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Anyone can help us by writing to Wiltshire Council in support of our application to make The Plough an Asset of Community Value by 15 July 2021.

If you were a customer of The Plough, if you visited it, if you met friends or social groups there, if you have memories, if you live in Wiltshire, if you think we should retain our pubs and venues, if you think our history is important, you can support our application.

If you decide to do so, please email telling them why you support the application. Please mention anything which is relevant including if you live nearby or any of the above. Please also copy so that we get a record of your submission. The council will consider all of your representations and use the information to make a decision on whether or not to list The Plough.

Important reasons are: its use to the local community, its historical value, its ability to run as a business including the fact that Chippenham is growing, what it means to you and your social group. Please indicate where you live (especially if in Wiltshire).